Monday, August 8, 2011

Come Sail Away With Me...

To a land where you just can't seem to get the perfect god damn fit for your dress. Ladies and gents- if there's one thing that really gets to me, it's fit. If I sew something and it doesn't fit like a glove, I will not be pleased. When I took on the alteration of this dress, I didn't realize what a chore it would end up being.

First on the list was the bodice. I don't know when this dress was made, but it must have been in a time when it was deemed flattering to make your boobs look big just by wearing a dress with puffy folds on the bust. I think I will pass on that look. Unfortunately, I neglected to take a picture of this piece before I started digging in, but those 2 pieces of fabric hanging down in front are what composed the previously puffy bust area- just imagine the ew.

In order to ensure a good fit, I pinned the lining along its original seams and stitched it up. After sewing the bodice together in what I originally deemed an appropriate manner, days later I found myself staring at the dress and just being extremely displeased with the results, so I took her apart all over again. Poor thing.
For shits and gigs: my cat gettin' all up in my space.

When taking another look at the dress, I realized I had made a glaring oversight. On the side of the dress are 2 panels of stretchy fabric, to give the dress some elasticity in the fit. Well, I managed to not notice until then that one of the panels had almost entirely come undone, whereas the other one looked as fresh as the day some woman in her early 30s probably bought it at Macy's in the 70s. Anywho, as I'm sure you can assume, this isn't something that's going to fly with someone who's so picky about fit. So the panels came off:

That's really as far as I've gotten. I've been busy people. Kind of. Mostly I'm just sick of fiddling with this bitch and I need a break from her. So this will be a 2 parter. This post gives you a taste of what it is I do, and part 2 will show the finished product, if I ever make it there.

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